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300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India
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RYT 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India.

At last, the time has come to move up a gear and reach the next level of expertise. When you join us on one of our RYT 300-hour teacher training courses, your dream of becoming a registered yoga instructor will be one step closer. YogaMea organizes courses in various countries, you can choose from the Italian coastal town of Misano Adriatico (Rimini), in Budapest- Hungary on the banks of the River, Danube or in Rishikesh- India; the world-renowned capital of Yoga located alongside the sacred River Ganga.

®YogaMea –is a Registered Yoga School- RYS 200 Hour-RYS 300 Hour- RYS 500 Hour, recognized by the USA International Yoga Alliance. Our teacher training programs, give you the chance to further enhance your understanding of Yoga, enabling you to reach a more advanced level. The advanced 300-hour course lasts 4 weeks and is aimed at those who have already successfully attained the RYT 200-hour certificate. This intense residential course is located inside an Ashram that has a view of the sacred River Ganges and is rooted in the traditions passed down over thousands of years. The course offers a comprehensive teaching of all the elements and aspects of this ancient practice.

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

This RYT300-hour course delves deeper than the RYT200 course and is both intense and strenuous, aimed at those who wish to further develop their knowledge regarding the world of Yoga. Through experiential learning, you will gain hands-on experience that will help you to become a skilled yoga instructor.

Upon successful completion of the program, all students will receive a certificate making them eligible to register with The International Yoga Alliance. Successful Yoga teacher usually has their own unique style and during this course, one of our aims is to help you discover your own personal identity and, make sure you reach your full potential.

When will the 300- Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Start in India?

When will the 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course Start in India? The RYT 300 residential Course in Rishikesh lasts for one month and at the end of the program, you will have greatly deepened your understanding of Yoga and its theoretical and empirical study.

Each one of our venues is supervised by our highly skilled team of instructors, including the founder of Yogamea, Timea Vitez- E-RYT® 500 USA YACEP® RYA USA. You will have the opportunity to choose from a range of different courses, dates, and locations to suit your needs. All courses have been carefully designed based on ancient traditions passed down over thousands of years and are aimed at those who desire to deepen their knowledge and understanding through direct experience. After years of careful thought, Yogamea has created ideal training sessions to include all the aspects of Yoga practice. At the end of your stay with us, you will leave feeling transformed; physically, mentally, and spiritually. Immersed in a clean and peaceful environment, surrounded by nature, daily yoga practice, pranayama, meditation, and a healthy Satvic diet all contribute to providing the essential essence of a truly yogic lifestyle.

RYT 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

Commonly known as the birthplace of Yoga, Rishikesh is the main destination for thousands of Yoga enthusiasts each year. Situated in northern India, between the Ganga River and the foothills of the Himalayan, mountain range, Rishikesh is the perfect location to explore yoga philosophy and spirituality.

Join us at YogaMea in the land of the “Rishi” where the paths of the Vedic pilgrimages unite to deepen your understanding and find inner peace. If you prefer, you can enroll in our course in Misano Adriatico in Italy. We guarantee the same authentic and effective training techniques as implemented in India.

What will be the Daily Schedule - 300 Hour Yoga TTC?

300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Kriyas (cleansing techniques)
  • Pranayama (breathing techniques)
  • Bandhas (Yogic locks)
  • Meditation
  • Mantra Chanting
  • Human Physiology and Anatomy
  • Teaching Methodology

Learning to teach yoga classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels students.

  • Training: What’s included ·
  • Change of sheets (once a week) · Free Wi-fi
  • 3 vegetarian Satvik meals a day (on arrival please inform the reception if you are vegan, have any allergies or food intolerances).
  • 4 week, 300 hour - Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga teacher training courses India
  • Yoga certification – Valid Internationally
  • Change of sheets (once a week)
  • Unlimited water and herbal teas

  • Transfers by private taxi to and from New Delhi airport
  • Transfers by private taxi to and from Derhadun airport
  • Ayurveda massages and SPA ( prices depend on the type of treatment selected)
  • Rafting on the Ganga River Scooter or motor-cycle rental
Time Activity
06:00 am Wake up
06:30 am to 06:45 am Yogic Cleansing (Jalneti)
06:45 am to 07:00 am Mantra Chanting
07:00 am to 08:30 am Asana, Pranayama and Meditation
09:30 am Breakfast
11:00 am to 12:00 pm Asana Alignment classes
12:00 pm to 01:00 pm Miscellaneous topics of discussion related to the course
01:30 pm Lunch
05:00 pm to 06:30 pm Asana and Meditation
07:30 pm Dinner
10:00 pm Lights Off

Yoga Teacher Training Course Dates (2023-2024) In India

During our yoga retreats, asana yoga is carried out under the guidance of our yoga teachers, who take care of our guests while the evening asana practice is optional. We also serve ayurvedic / vegetarian meals as prescribed by our Ayurvedic consultant. Panchakarma / Ayurvedic treatment will be according to prescription.

Course Name 300 Hour Yoga TTC
27 Mar - 29 Apr 2023 05 Jun - 08 Jul 2023
14 Aug - 16 Sep 2023 23 Oct - 25 Nov 2023

(These are guidelines from Yoga Alliance – some of these hours are contact hours and others are self-study.)

  • Yoga Philosophy
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Kriyas (cleansing techniques)
  • Pranayama (breathing techniques)
  • Bandhas (Yogic locks)
  • Meditation
  • Mantra Chanting
  • Human Physiology and Anatomy
  • Teaching Methodology

Learning to teach yoga classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels students.

  • 4 week, 300 hour - Hatha and Ashtanga Yoga teacher training courses India
  • 27 nights - Accommodation in a double room for single use with private bathroom
  • 3 vegetarian Satvick meals a day (Please inform the reception upon arrival if you are vegan, allergic or food intolerant).
  • Yoga certification – Valid Internationally
  • Unlimited water and herbal teas
  • Change of sheets (once a week)
  • Free Wi-fi

  • Airport (The taxi service can be booked through our school for $ 60 USD each way)
  • Transfers by private taxi to and from Derhadun airport (The service can be booked through our school for $ 30 USD each way)
  • Massages

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